It's been a struggle for my little pawpaw patch this summer with very little new growth. I finally gave in and used some water soluble Jack's citrus FeED (since the asimina family has tropical origins) and they really greened up and over half of them are putting out new growth and leaves. It's late in the season though so I'd like to get another week of growth and then have them harden off before a freeze. At least the root zone must be expanding since they decided to put out new top growth. I'm excited for spring already so I can hit them with this feed right away. It's not organic, but it'll be years before they put out I figure 2-3 years of using this to get them established and then we can go with organic methods. Kinda goin lawn thread here, but these plants are late to come out of dormancy and early to go's going to be tough to get ripe fruit up here because of the lack of GDDs, but maybe my hillside can steal me a week on both ends of the season.
Half of the GEFS members bring a potent cold airmass in toward the end of the month. I know you're purposely being a weenie, but you can't rule it out for the rad pits yet. It doesn't take much for CON, ORE, OWD, and Maple Sinks.
Low of 53°…nbd but breezy. My 4” and 8” soil temps are down to 63° and 65° respectively though. A couple more weeks and they’ll be down into the 50s and sadly the growing season will be coming to the end. Hopefully we can avoid a freeze this month and pull some late month warmth to extend the season a bit.
I mean the ground has been like a smelly wet sock for almost 3 months. Anytime we pull some sun and warmth it just evaporates into the low levels and just sits there. Hadley didn’t allow for any real cP airmasses to mix and dry it out so we basically had stagnant swamp conditions from July onward.
We’ve had some weaker maples turning color for weeks now. One down the road is always early with vibrant color and early drop. But yeah, the swamp maples have been early here as well. There’s a swampy area in Loudon over where we pick apples that almost looks past peak.other than that the leaves seem to be on a normal pace. There’s a hint of yellow in our birches/aspen.
3 straight record low mins last September is about as close as we've come to those late 80s/early 90s Septembers lately, but the month wasn't exactly cold overall.
Man I really want to be outside trying to do yard chores and just enjoy the day overall, but it’s so difficult to do without oppressive heat, 70s dews, haze, and an onslaught of biting insects.
Oh well. Maybe next weekend will be better.
Just want to comment on this that NYC (Central Park) does not have a long record of hourly obs. June 1995 the ASOS was installed. Before that hourly obs were hit and miss. So I’m not sure what’s in the obs record for hourly precip there to begin with.