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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. He’s just frantically tapping the keyboard right now. Hate to see it this far out. More invested than pickles in the dow.
  2. I lost 30” in days last year. I’ve only lost a couple inches so far with this.
  3. I mean it’s dumping near Tolland at this point with this sounding. lol
  4. That looks like fantasy QPF on the GFS over CT given that midlevel dry air. Sell that and buy the NAM sharp cutoff.
  5. Don’t worry. The arctic hounds are coming to settle over your brown ground, and I’ll have just enough of a stale pack to keep the airmass from moderating for you.
  6. Wait...some were hoping this system could still make it up here?
  7. I've used my chicken water heater like 5x so far. I've had Decembers where the only time I turn it off is Christmas.
  8. Reverse Here’s a journal article with it. https://journals.ametsoc.org/downloadpdf/journals/clim/12/6/1520-0442_1999_012_1796_lswral_2.0.co_2.pdf
  9. Get this out of the weather thread.
  10. I give my chickens whole sardines and the first thing they go for are the eyes. I guess it’s instinctive to blind your prey first.
  11. -8° at MSP right now. Nice night for a hockey game.
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