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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yup. Will be a steambath through midday Sat.
  2. Down to 54°. Some 40s up north. This should be par for the course.
  3. Record is 66° in 1975. Today was 70°.
  4. Just wait until Christmas Eve…
  5. 58° OVC 0.32” overnight. Better than I expected being on the northern fringe.
  6. Yeah maybe…haven’t looked enough to see that or how sloped the fronts are with height. But like you said the convection usually steals moisture from that northerly sloped ascent. Looking now…yeah maybe a little mid lvl fronto ALB-bodies-MHT?
  7. Yup. Just saw it and came back to post the same thing.
  8. Agree with Scoot though that the 3k progs seem a little far north given where it’s putting the boundary later on. We’ll see.
  9. CT is clearing and warming. Dew boundary is near the Pike. I could see that shallow light northerly drain getting mixed out easily.
  10. 0.23” overnight into this morning. A cool, soggy morning is a nice break from the recent monotony.
  11. 6z gfs is back to 5-7” for VT. There would be crazy impacts with that.
  12. They must be evolving there with webbed paws like Stein from all of the rain.
  13. PLC is rough. This old tree was here before I moved here so I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve never had PLC on it…just gummosis. Stone fruit in general is a PITA and requires a lot of care to get good fruit. Pawpaws and persimmons are nice because you just plant them and let them go…no need to even prune.
  14. Not really. Mine struggles to keep flower buds through winter, but the mild 23-24 gave me a heavy fruit set before the grey rats got them. I’m looking to get a Contender and PF-24C for next year. They’re 2 of the hardiest with late flowering.
  15. They eat everything. And unfortunately they like to get everything before it’s ripe. What kind of peach is it?
  16. Same thing happened to me. You can try some big fake snakes and hang them from the branches. Just be sure to move them around once in awhile.
  17. And saves the day. May be lucky to get a bucket tip.
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