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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yeah lock Xmas morning in. I’ll take the afternoon slop for reimbursement.
  2. West and a little elevation has made a difference. My mom has had 4-6” I think. MHT ASOS is technically in Londonderry too.
  3. The 2nd half of Dec 73 we had 3 soakers up here with below zero in between. 9.93” w.e. and 3.0” snow on the month
  4. Again this month would be close to or AN right now in the 1990s. A BN drenchfest would be more impressive in the 80s.
  5. Just looked at 6z briefly and 850s are >= 0C for like 6 days straight. lol It may not be tulips and skip-its, but the mins will be torched will a lot of 20F ANs.
  6. I meant him specifically with his diet. I’ve done the paleo/keto thing too and stayed thin. @ROOSTA you’re fine. That was more riveting than most of the weather discussion this month. Anyway, pack is down to a 3-4” in the backyard, but it’s already starting to crust up. 36.9°
  7. A few more years and all of those 40 ounces to freedom will finally start kicking in.
  8. Beautiful, sunny day in the 40s but still a 4-5” depth for now.
  9. Kocin-Uccellini book worthy storm HECS MECS BECS are Dave Tolleris (wxrisk.com) terms…historical major biblical east coast snowstorms
  10. At least the normal snowfall at sites will drop come 2030 so it will become easier to get an AN season… …unless CC continues to run unabated.
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