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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Kinda. It’s tough to get the cP airmasses down here with the permafrost and ice cover receding so much. Lag effect.
  2. Yeah…it’ll be muggy at times. Just trying to relax those worried about neverending dews through the end of the month.
  3. 6z GFS didn’t let yesterday’s 12z age well. Lots of low dews in the extended. Kinda surprised DIT posted a tweet referencing a long range GFS op run.
  4. lol goofus op. Couple of bd chances there and 18z pushes a couple through. 12z euro had another cold shot for next weekend. We’ll see.
  5. This current streak started with losing a series to Baltimore too. Winning 13 in a row and then immediately following it up with losing 11 of 13 is an impressive feat. I also like how Toronto is ahead of Seattle by 1 in the WC race, but their pythag is 21 games better.
  6. There will be some warm days in the extended…especially down there. But the heat loses its potency this time of year with the lower sun angle. We need to be pushing records toward the equinox for it to be really uncomfortable for me that time of year.
  7. He hasn’t hit 90.0°+ since June. With a persistent breeze on top of the hill it must be a refreshing relief from the real heat in the valleys.
  8. Wow…may not even hit 80° at your place if that verifies. That’s awesome wx for mid to late September. Wish we could get that here, but there’s more of a gradient up here next week.
  9. Yeah that's a perfect time for AN/MAN...extend that growing season.
  10. I wish we had a portrait of George Hadley. The good fellow would make a fine emoji.
  11. The media is terrible and is responsible for a lot of problems in the world.
  12. Maybe. Kinda wedged in right now. Will get some 60s dews, but the real soup will probably get pinched off before it advects up here ahead of the fropa. Temp is still only 58.7° with OVC.
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