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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 69° with steady rain. At times it felt raw, at times comfortable.
  2. Yeah wild salmon is best as they’re eating a lot of zooplankton which help to give them that deep pink color full of astaxanthin. The farmers often feed their fish a lot of junk feed and artificial astaxanthin to get the pink color. I’ll eat both, but try to get the wild if it’s on sale.
  3. I had bad reflux at times in the early 2010s when I got into my early 30s. After changing my diet up it’s 100% gone. Certain foods trigger the inflammation for me and it’ll briefly come back if I have them. Acidic foods aren’t really the culprit…it’s whatever foods are causing the inflammation that don’t allow that valve to seal off the stomach acid from coming back up. Your stomach is supposed to be acidic.
  4. Props to you. We’ve talked about this many times before, but I’m similar to you. I can handle lactose, but I get major sinus infections with any amount of dairy. I think raw or fermented dairy is okay for people who can handle it, but many have intolerances to it. I have the weird issue with bananas too. I’ve kicked all processed foods, grains, gluten, refined sugar, and refined oil. The fewer the ingredients the better. I don’t worry about red meat, but prefer the taste of grass finished beef. I don’t eat it a lot, but occasionally I get a craving. I try to eat some organ meat as well…humans used to go for the organs in a kill first, but now we’re all muscle meat. I try to get salmon, sardines, and shellfish when I can too. I’ve debated you in excessive long distance running before, but it easily beats a sedentary lifestyle. I’m more of a sprinting fan. We’re all different so you need to tailor your lifestyle for what works for you, but that’s a good base to start from. I get sick thinking about the crap I used to put in my body. There’s a reason why so many people are obese and have metabolic issues…and the government guidelines have been stuck in their archaic ways. Anyway…nice evening out there.
  5. Triglycerides and LDL-particle number are the two to really watch. Obviously higher HDL is a benefit. Cleaning up the diet really makes a difference. We eat a lot of food that we didn’t evolve to eat. I’m a big believer that ancestry/DNA plays a major role as well. Different nationalities evolved for thousands of years eating food native to their location. The Kitavan people traditionally eat 70% of their cals from tubers/sweet potatoes whereas the Inuit eat very few carbs and lots of fatty ocean meat including blubber/seals. They are both known to have good heart health, but they get there in different ways. I respond well to being in ketosis, but when I start adding in things like coconut or very dark chocolate I feel like it raises my BP. I have western European heritage so I’m pretty far removed from those foods being in my diet. Bananas are a weird one for me too. 10-15 mins after eating one is guaranteed heart burn for me. So everyone’s mileage varies when it comes to diet. You need to experiment to find what causes you inflammation and what doesn’t.
  6. 36F at Errol and 37F at HIE. Estcourt Station with 29F. Quite a few 33s up there including Clayton Lake.
  7. Down to 47°. Looks like the extended trended cooler. Hopefully we can hold off the first frost/freeze for awhile longer.
  8. We all go way back from WWBB and the original EUSWX conferences. MSN wx chat days too. Sometimes he’s a dick…he’d probably be the first to admit that. lol
  9. Mike is good people and knows his stuff. We’ve been friends for awhile…I like him posting here even though he likes to troll us.
  10. Haha. A muggy day ahead of a cold front. You guys make me laugh. Torch triplets.
  11. Your uber torches modified too. In the end it’s just more slightly AN months in the means. In the end climo wins.
  12. The whole end of the EPS run is a thermal trough with single digit 850s up here. lol
  13. Only because it's a rarity nowadays. Keep thinking what you want though. The longer I can hold off bringing my fig and avocado trees inside the better.
  14. Hey...no one said get out the freeze warnings. Single digit 850s start to become normal to slightly AN as we get into October up here. But it's a far cry from the OP driving +18C into MI at d10.
  15. So you're backing away from your neverending summer into October call?
  16. I know Mike likes to wait for a warm run before he comes in here to troll, but it is funny since there's only like 2 or 3 people in here that actually want it cold this time of year.
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