Props to you. We’ve talked about this many times before, but I’m similar to you. I can handle lactose, but I get major sinus infections with any amount of dairy. I think raw or fermented dairy is okay for people who can handle it, but many have intolerances to it. I have the weird issue with bananas too. I’ve kicked all processed foods, grains, gluten, refined sugar, and refined oil. The fewer the ingredients the better.
I don’t worry about red meat, but prefer the taste of grass finished beef. I don’t eat it a lot, but occasionally I get a craving. I try to eat some organ meat as well…humans used to go for the organs in a kill first, but now we’re all muscle meat. I try to get salmon, sardines, and shellfish when I can too. I’ve debated you in excessive long distance running before, but it easily beats a sedentary lifestyle. I’m more of a sprinting fan.
We’re all different so you need to tailor your lifestyle for what works for you, but that’s a good base to start from. I get sick thinking about the crap I used to put in my body. There’s a reason why so many people are obese and have metabolic issues…and the government guidelines have been stuck in their archaic ways.
Anyway…nice evening out there.