Euro has trended quite a bit colder later next week and beyond. It’s been missing the colder airmasses in Canada until T-minus 24hrs for a couple of weeks now while the Ukie and GFS have had them. Maybe a couple of chilly days in there with NE flow? At the least it should be seasonable. Maybe something to think about the next time we get trolled with warmth? Hopefully we can avoid frost.
Too many chems screwing up the soil microbiome? My lawn will form puddles, but I’ve never had anything like that here. The only thing I’ve put on the lawn in 10 years is that coop poop fertilizer and a little lime.
These are the best pears and peaches I’ve ever had on my trees. My grapes are pretty good too, but I save those for the birds since they have seed traces. Last year at this time we were frozen up a few days in a row.
Min for the day should be this evening…at least up here. Definitely an above normal pattern overall, but climo will make it a comfortable period. I’d love to push off the first freeze until well into October.