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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Starting to close schools up here for tomorrow as well.
  2. TBlizz suddenly canceling every threat after his snowblower breaks.
  3. I may get one and give it to my dad afterward. He’s still struggling a bit. I was researching them the other day when Phin mentioned them. Can you recommend one? I have Rite Aid and CVS about a mile away.
  4. I can take good, slow, deep breaths without sensing any issues in my lungs. My voice has been affected too so maybe it’s more larynx, throat, trachea? There’s definitely light pain in beneath my sternum area too. Whatev…it’ll eventually go away. Hopefully…
  5. Think I’m going in tomorrow. Back up to 101°. I’ve had enough of this. At least today was better than yesterday. I don’t think it’s the flu. I have bad pain in my bronchioles when I cough. The up and down fever kinda screams covid. I don’t think it’s deep into my lungs yet, but I don’t want to risk it. Anyway, gonna take something to bring the fever down and let me sleep.
  6. I need to move to Taintin’…go big or bust.
  7. the gfs has been going warm core with it for many runs now. Keep in mind he said post tropical cyclone sandy.
  8. Do you want the gold subscription? It has you in the ad-free group without the gold upgrade. I just added gold to you now so you should have more space.
  9. Yeah I brought it up to John…will let you know when he replies.
  10. That’s a new one to me. NH is anal with paving and litter clean up. I feel like the highways usually look great although I haven’t been down near the Mass border in awhile.
  11. They didn’t pretreat last week either.
  12. John’s trying to redo the subscription services. They’ve been down for awhile after an upgrade and people who had subscriptions were kinda grandfathered in for the time being. That’s my guess.
  13. I guess, but they’re out there once 2 dozen cars wreck. We’ve known the ZR was coming for days…why can’t they pretreat? It sounds more like lousy planning to me.
  14. Idk what’s been going on, but we’re turning into CT.
  15. Quickly up to 25°. Without any advection ZR can really pump up the latent heating.
  16. I did some warm saline gargles last night which temporarily helped. It’s really weird trying to drink plain old cold water and having it burn going down. I’m living on halls with menthol right now. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel though.
  17. My dad has had these symptoms for a month. He’s taken 4 at home tests that my sister got from SNHU and he was negative on all of them. My niece came down with symptoms when I did. She tested negative on the at-home test. She went into the dr and tested positive there. So I think my mom and dad had it a few weeks ago despite negative tests. Anyway, I slept well, but my whole throat, wind pipe, very upper resp tract is wrecked…so irritated and painful. I’d feel decent today if it wasn’t for the throat. I’m trying to pump some dews into the house now to ease the irritation.
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