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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 71/62 Pretty breezy ahead of the front. Looks like it passes through around 2z so this evening is the last hurrah. We sad.
  2. Only a tenth here. Kinda wanted a little more as it has been dry.
  3. Life is hard. We’re here for you if/when you ever need to talk.
  4. Winter is grueling up here too. I get wedged in most warmups while some of you guys in SNE get brief breaks and melt and rebuild. it’s just a long period of cold, wet, darkness. I think I’d off myself if we ever had another little ice age.
  5. I grew up loving extreme weather, but as I add other hobbies to my interests the extremes conflict with them. So I’m turning into a bit of a bitch like Epstein. Chickens and plants don’t like too much of anything.
  6. Thanks everyone...just a really tough night of sadness and guilt. Life is fragile. Hopefully everyone is healthy and doing well.
  7. Hopefully it happens so we can cancel winter. I'm already over it and I haven't even gotten into the 30s yet. It's sad to think it'll be 6 months until we even get to mid April.
  8. Accidentally killed one of my favorite chickens tonight. She somehow broke her top beak on 10/4 and we've been trying to hand feed her since until she got the hang of eating differently. Tonight we put a little too much wet feed down her and it went down her wind pipe and suffocated her. She's the only one of my chickens that would jump on my lap daily to be pet and she was the top of the pecking order. I feel absolutely sick about it right now. This is a tragic hobby sometimes. RIP Rose
  9. Our bedroom heats up into the mid 70s during the day, but by 8-9pm it cools off enough to close the windows. It's a different world in Torchton though. AC has been out since early Sep and I don't think we've used the window fans since then either. It's way AN, but mostly on the mins and the low 70s during the day have been perfect with just the right amount of humidity.
  10. And it doesn't cool off at night with the windows open?
  11. My hydrangeas still have flowers too. Crystal clear and 57°. Just your typical mid October morning. Back to a little bit of reality come Sunday…unfortunately.
  12. Kinda need a DSD this time of year to really get the deeper mixing. 26 years ago today we had a pretty epic torch. 87F at CON...but wasn't even a record. Lots of mid/upper 80s to 90F records at CON through 10/20 and then by 11/1 it's down to 80F.
  13. If it doesn’t happen on a hilltop at 990’ in Tolland it doesn’t happen anywhere.
  14. I don’t frost well on the ground here on my hillside so I don’t see frost above 33. At my old place near Massabesic Lake I used to radiate like mad and could frost the ground up at 35/36. You really need a spot where the cold air can drain in and pool. If you fog up at 34-35 you may not even frost up in the valley either since the temp in the fog layer will be somewhat uniform. Either that or you get some dew that turns to frozen dew if you drop down to 32 after it forms. Someone like Kevin who stays well mixed will be less likely to see frost at >32 as well. So a lot goes into it. To me, a frost is a frost. If you see frosty grass at 35 it counts. But I only track freezes/32 since you can actually track that with remote sensing. You can get a freeze before a frost too in a season like this where you are way later than normal and then a strong cold front comes in and gives you a mixed 30-32 with no ground saturation.
  15. ECMWF gets the computer upgrade soon. I think the main problem for the GFS has been data assimilation.
  16. https://confluence.ecmwf.int/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=226510127#content/view/226510127
  17. If the upgrade helps I’m all for it. The previous version has had uncertainty for awhile now.
  18. What time exactly was that? I don’t recall anything. I’ve been gone for the last 90 mins, but I was probably home when you heard the bang.
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