Hey it's all good. I've been making homemade chicken soup from bone broth for 3 hours and when I saw multiple posts weenieing me about the 84hr NAM I just got a little set off. Onto the goofus.
Nah...I've posted it before
It wasn't about the 84hr NAM. I was trying to make a point about what I'm concerned about come verification time...that the deep E low level flow will erode that cold dome out faster than progged. But hey...it's 4 days out and we'll see. It's just a concern of mine and the NAM image is basically just an example of that.
I'm not trying to steal anyone's snow. I don't even want my own. lol
I mean I'm trying to actually talk meteorology in here without posting memes for once. I'm not a huge fan of guessing what models will do or trying to interpret why they're doing every little thing that they show since there's a bajillion equations factored in and to some extent we have to take the models' "word" on it. But here I am anyway...just trying to throw an example out there explaining my $0.02 and I get defensive weenies butthurt because I didn't say all snow before slot.