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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nammy at 18z. This would be a real wtf.
  2. GFS is 51F with rain here 18z Tue. lol
  3. Lake effect rain for W NY/PA. Happy August.
  4. GFS is still 50s and rain here Tuesday. lol That's turning into a pretty potent cool shot. +1C 850s into W NY and +3C into New England for 24-36hrs.
  5. I had to work today so I get a -1 for that. Up to 72° and still some sun so it should at least be a nice evening.
  6. Scoot and Ditty stuck in ginxy’s smoke plume
  7. Cams look great down there with the haze. I can’t tell where the water ends and the sky begins.
  8. 72° at FMH and the sun just came out…lol ok.
  9. 68° at 2pm. Another warm day failed.
  10. My AQ sensor was near 100 earlier. Definitely a smell of smoke in the air.
  11. HRRR pushes the smoke plume out of WNE at least by tomorrow afternoon.
  12. lol wtf is the gfs doing Tuesday afternoon?
  13. I got a weenie from you. That may be a first.
  14. Sorry, but I’ll always take the chicken’s side.
  15. Yeah for me. I’m not breathing in trash smoke like you.
  16. The marine layer is actually saving us from the smoke since we can’t mix down the trash air from above.
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