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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Fever broke on its own a couple hours ago. Just body aches and a bad headache now.
  2. That’s using sfc obs and there’s none out over the ocean so the isobars will look funky along the coast.
  3. May be tough although it’ll be damn cold. Early midnight temps may be too warm for records, but we’ll see if the CAA can speed up.
  4. -36°C 850s into Kentucky. Sounds reasonable.
  5. Really hope this storm fails up here…woke up with flu like symptoms and currently have a temp near 103°. This is 15 days after getting my booster so I assume it may be the flu? Sucks.
  6. Measured 0.5" this morning. Just enough to make the commute messy.
  7. Looks like we had some surprise snow overnight. Enough to cover the vehicles.
  8. Stayed below freezing today...high of 31.2F. Thick freezing fog down in the valley along the Winni River. Just above the FG here, but we're radiating down...26.3F now.
  9. Best fronto snows are usually on the N side of the best frontogenesis. The fronto slopes toward the cold side with height. That looks like Ryan to ORH/BOS to me.
  10. Probably not...we're probably too far NW of the best fronto , but we'll see how this trends over the next 12-24hrs.
  11. Can anyone else confirm this? I find this many strikes near the pole hard to believe. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/05/world/lightning-increased-north-pole-arctic-2021-climate/index.html
  12. They don’t even pretreat anymore…friggin joke.
  13. 29.2°…a couple tenths of sn/pl out there. Dropped about 10° on the car thermo from CON to home.
  14. Your setup sounds like mine. An 8x8x8 coop elevated 30”. My run has a portion covered with a metal roof and I enclose it with fiberglass panels for winter. On nice days I give them the option to go out into the large outdoor portion of the run. Then in May all of the panels come down. And yeah, not many people save money doing this. Most of the cost is up front, but it still isn’t cheap. I enjoy the hobby though, and their personalities and the flock dynamic is definitely fun to watch.
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