Here’s Berlin for that Jan 99 storm that had freezing rain in the valleys of central PA with temps in the single digits and a transition to SN-ice-RA up here. Before the storm there was a shallow arctic airmass that bled in and NNE cleared out and radiated into the -30s and -40s. Anyway, here’s an ob from BML from that cold morning…-35°F here.
BML,1999-01-14 11:52,KBML 141152Z AUTO 00000KT 6SM HZ CLR M37/ A3072 RMK AO2 SLP454 70014 T1372 11300 21372 53021
Then 35hrs later, after many inches of snow, and then sleet, and then ZR…it transitioned to all rain. 35°F and mod rain here.
BML,1999-01-15 22:52,KBML 152252Z AUTO 36006KT 5SM RA BR BKN012 BKN017 OVC023 02/01 A2949 RMK AO2 PRESFR SLP005 P0007 T00170006
So it warmed up 70 degrees in 35hrs and eventually poured. Sometimes, warm air don’t care.