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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. My wife pulled back into the driveway last week after going out to get coffee and a large bear jumped off our rock wall and into the driveway in front of her. Scared her shitless. She must’ve startled it when she pulled in as it was chowing down on the bird seed in the front. We have 4 large windows and get a few bird hits every year…average 1-2 deaths.
  2. idk...this seems like a fairly abrupt "end" to me. We'll still pull 80s or even 90F like we do every September. But it has felt like weeks of 15-20C 850s that are getting replaced with predominantly 7-13C stretches. Brief 1-2 day mild ups and then right back into seasonably cool temps. Once we get to mid September it's a much sharper drop downhill so that's when I'll start cheering on above normal temps again and start bitching about missing summer.
  3. 65/62 OVC...bit of a breeze. Nice out. Low was 62F.
  4. They’re in the worst of it now while down the road is in the eye.
  5. Yeah gonna need a wobble more northward. The real meat of the eyewall is moving in there now.
  6. Yeah they’re in the eyewall now. Seeing some waves make it up to cam level.
  7. Starting to get real on that Grand Isle cam.
  8. The ASOS’s usually survive, but the loss of power or transmission is what usually kills the obs. Sometimes debris will wipe out the anemometers though.
  9. A lot of lightning in that eastern eyewall.
  10. There’s some weenie 162mph pixels on velocity.
  11. Looks like the weenie touches the bun right over your area.
  12. I posted the EPS earlier weenie. That's a hell of a lot of rain for you on the euro though. More springs pouring out of your backyard.
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