Should be a few hours of low 40s. Even if he holds u30s during the warm conveyor he'll have the front come through from the SW to mix it out and he'll end up with some low 40s with weak CAA anyway. The caveat will be breaks in the overcast during midday while the airmass is still relatively warm. Pop some sun for an hour or so and it shoots up to 45+.
Not sure I believe that. Cocorahs has more believable numbers (3.0”/0.10”). They’re probably having issues with the can although I have no idea what their equipment is.
Yeah we’re getting into the return flow now…gonna be tough to bottom out unless you’re in a sheltered valley. Maybe we can lighten up the wind a little before sunrise.
Maybe I should’ve said 6-10”. It’s basically a 6-8hr window for heavy rates so everything has to go right to realize that liquid. We’re upgliding over a cold dome and will push that coastal front more inland than usual, but that still a lot of QPF to squeeze in there for 6hrs in the form of snow. In the back of my head I see this ticking warmer with the changeover leaning toward the warmer models. So if it ends up colder more toward 10” there and if it ends up warmer then more toward the lower end. Like I said to dryslot, it’s basically a race between the warmth and the precip. And with the modeled rates there’s bust potential either way if it stays snow 2hrs longer versus raining 2hrs sooner. It’ll be a fun one to watch play out. Hopefully you stay mostly snow until the midlevel dry slot pushes through. It should be really pastey during the day.
Weenie. I'm not going there. I have no idea what you have for pack or the water content in it. You'll have 40s for a few hours...for a bit in the warm sector and then after the CAA kicks in from the SW.
These mesolows aren't your typical secondary redeveloping triple-point lows. These are little convective mesolows forming along the warm conveyor. They're not having an influence on your pack.
I don't think H5 matters much at this's out in NY. We just need to keep that cold wedged as long as possible. It's a race between the precip and WAA.
H7 looked a tick more west…and it’s definitely ripping that MLJ more westward into upstate NY. (I’m using 00z)
What a waste of deformation snows too….lines up perfectly over lakes Erie and Ontario.
The euro is easily the coldest with 925 temps Mon morning and it's not even close...that's compared to the NAM, GFS, Ukie, GGEM, and RGEM.
I didn't not look at the Navy. Sorry George.