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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like Kevin finally got his 32.0.
  2. Yup…keep an eye out. Eek gave me the alert.
  3. Just had a bit of graupel mix in with a rain shower. 40.7°
  4. 28.5° Heavy frost and a light breeze too. Didn’t expect it that cold…avocados probably took a hit.
  5. 2m anomalies...what's the H5 look like?
  6. Sounds like bird droppings in the cone. A little will soak through at near steady intervals and then at some point the whole dookie falls through and the remaining water in the funnel empties at once.
  7. Nice deluge overnight. 50.4” and +RA right now. 2.26” and rising quickly.
  8. The Davis is pretty accurate. The differences pretty much come down to siting. The airports tend to have 360° of unobstructed flow to the 10m sited ultrasonic anemometers. The home stations obviously tend to have to deal with buildings and trees and have trouble getting up to the official height. If you have trees around the recommendation is to go even higher than that to get above the tree canopy. Good luck with that. You can actually read too high in some slanted roof setups if the anemometer is too low since the wind will accelerate as it is forced upward. All of that air flowing in in that column from the peak of the roof to the bottom gets “squeezed” together and it has to speed up the slope…think bernoulli. A good 5ft+ above the peak of the roof should suffice.
  9. Would like some breaks tonight given the space weather.
  10. 10 years ago weenies were worrying about warm ground.
  11. Up here it's... Plow: Nov 25th Salt: Never
  12. SLK 20F BML 22F HIE 22F The rad pits were chilly this morning. Quite a few 25-27F mins in Merrimack Co. as well.
  13. 31.2° Really wanted to make it to Novie freeze free. Oh well.
  14. 34.5° here…I brought a lot of my plants in, but left the avocado trees out. Hopefully it doesn’t drop below 30°.
  15. That's a sign of a cold night at the N NH pits...higher summits with low RH and rapidly radiating sfc air draining into the bowls.
  16. Everyone is out there gunning for huge strong bucks. On a related note...that chronic wasting disease in deer is looking pretty serious. That's going to be culling a lot of the herd as well. Hopefully it doesn't make it up here and doesn't spread to humans.
  17. The world would be better off killing off 25% of the human population too.
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