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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 27.2° -SN Maybe a hair over 1”. Wintry feel.
  2. Up to 1"...dumpin It's getting that convective look on the ground.
  3. Are pumpkins approved areas for snow measurement?
  4. 3 or 4 tenths out there on the truck and driveway. NBD, but enough to get the winter juices flowing.
  5. Probably pushing moderate now. Sanbornton RWIS is 1/2SM. Had to bring my avocado trees in as they were starting to sag over. I don't even want to think about the bamboo right now. It doesn't take much paste to bring them down.
  6. 33.1F -SN Dusting on the vehicles and driveway.
  7. Getting boned here. 34.5° and still mixing while it’s 32.9° and all snow at the Canterbury RWIS south of me…the best dynamics are just south.
  8. Getting down around 3/8SM +SN at the RWIS near Phin. It's a slow drop here. 35.2F
  9. 35.4F -RASN Was 50/50 mix at the top of my hill.
  10. 32.1F for Mitch. The shallow graves will be buried a bit deeper today.
  11. Crap. So much for Black Friday cleanup.
  12. It's always fun when the NAM sucks powderfreak in on a single 18z run.
  13. Man that’s a big run up here. I’m really not prepared for anything like that yet.
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