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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 17.5° It looks and feels like winter for at least 1 morning.
  2. Getting some dim sun now as ceilings climb up to altostratus level. Maybe a few tenths based on cam? Looks fairly meh later on for my location.
  3. Ugh that looks like low to mid 30s here while everyone else is in thongs and bikinis.
  4. Another week or two of good trends at H5 and this may become a warning event.
  5. Back down to 44F and dropping steadily with the fropa. Maxed at 53F.
  6. That looks like another run with an enhanced zone up here. Those QPF maps are fairly low res though.
  7. Maybe some snow showers, but idk if anything major sets up. Wind will be the big factor.
  8. Yeah you're not a great CAD spot once the inversion gets shallow. Downslope city.
  9. 57F at HIE and 55F at the Jefferson RWIS while it's 36F here. Sorry Phin...NW flow upslope giveth and taketh.
  10. The last of the snow is slowly fading away. 36F with -DZ and FG, but hopefully we can warm sector before the cold front passes.
  11. EC and Ukie keeping up with the bit of enhancement up here and into W ME (or E ME if you're metfan).
  12. Make sure you indicate it was vid sent to you because you're catching some heat in the comments for not helping.
  13. Good luck. Ribbing aside, the 3k NAM gets a little of both into SW ME. You can see the sfc convergence zone and the reflectivities blow up along it amid the larger, weaker synoptic lift.
  14. I prefer the higher upside with the IVT vs SNE sloppy seconds.
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