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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. The euro has a little under 0.50" of glop tomorrow morning for the Lakes Region. Congrats CAR.
  2. The GGEM? That's the FRAM (freezing rain accumulation model) and not the regular QPF one, right? It's probably overdone anyway since I doubt BAF/CEF is getting that much QPF.
  3. Those maps aren't even estimating accretion though...just the amount of QPF in the form of ZR. Weenies just aren't using the maps correctly.
  4. 12z looked a little too flat to me. 6z GFS tried to wind it up and curl it in before it exited eastward.
  5. GFS tries to give the Cape a white Xmas while leaving Tolland brown like Mr. Hankey.
  6. GFS is snow to IP/ZR here tomorrow morning. It starts out near isothermal from just above the sfc to almost 800mb. Eventually H9 gets around 0.6C so maybe we can keep it frozen.
  7. Yeah NAM soundings aren't gonna cut it for here tomorrow morning...too much WAA around H9. We'll see what the globals say.
  8. Quite a few op runs are getting 0.30-0.40” back this way tomorrow morning. GFS soundings are borderline around H85-H9, but my hunch is mostly snow with a little mangled, refrozen flakes or sleet pellets mixed in. We’ll see what 12z brings…it’s an interesting forecast.
  9. Well you have to do the best you can with whatever restrictions you have. Some have HOAs, some have wives. Just get the station high enough above the roof to limit radiation and turbulence issues…5-10ft at least.
  10. IIRC your development was lacking many trees? That may help you wind wise, but you're still only at 15ft. I would almost sacrifice the wind in order to have the temp and rain at 2m. I wouldn't want a temp sensor above the roof due to radiation issues. You'll get more undercatch with rain due to turbulence as well. Just my $0.02.
  11. They admit the upgrade has improvements, but also some degradations...
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