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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. At least the GFS is having some success. Seeing the Euro late to the party twice in a row warms my heart.
  2. Looks icy here on Xmas. My driveway is glare ice right now. I could actually go for a really good cutter and 12hrs of 60/60.
  3. It looks like a sloppy stretch. Weenies need to put on their big girl knickers and deal with it. A lot of you look like Brady whining to the refs on every play.
  4. Bouncing between 31.8-32.2 for a half hour now so we're latently rotting.
  5. They just salted my road and I’m about to head out. 29.5° Hopefully we can shoot up to 33° soon.
  6. Clouds are building our way now...I think we're about done dropping and then we'll creep up as we go overcast and the longwave rad reradiates down to the sfc. Gunstock and Miller St Park are running 31F and 28F so there is warmer air just above this fake cold. I'm hoping for at least an inch of snow to start so the driveway isn't a skating rink.
  7. We're inverted right now so we have some in-situ CAD locked in for the onset, but there's some pretty good WAA that works in around 925. Soundings are razor close, but it's close to snow for a few hours before that WAA flips the low levels to liquid. Then it comes down to the sfc as to whether it's R or ZR. I think we'll ZR for a bit, but latently warm and rot at 32-33F through afternoon.
  8. The NAM is really warming up the BL up here whereas most models are keeping it below freezing for the brunt of the precip.
  9. HRRR is a mess here tomorrow. Soundings are close to pulling off an inch of SN/IP and then becoming mostly ZR before maybe ending as pure rain.
  10. A good wintry period in December blows away March. I agree with Kevin 100%. My epic Decembers have little melting and the snow keeps that fresh, festive look all month. March has some impressive storms, but there’s a lot of melting in between and the sun angle rips holes through the pack with any spec of dirt it shines on. The day after a March biggie the pack starts taking on that trashy E MA look.
  11. Lots of turds circling around the bowl, but no healthy log.
  12. Yeah I don't want or need that cold. Let it spill and rot in the west and send me a modified version after the New Year.
  13. Days and days of -30s and -40s in the upper plains. Omicron gone wild in the Dakotas.
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