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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Fever and aches are gone today, but holy sweats. I’m a person that rarely sweats, but my armpits and back have been gushing all day. I’ve had to change my shirt a few times…didn’t get that after the 2nd pfizer.
  2. NAM is mostly snow here now. We’ve consistently been on the line of all models so I’m expecting the entire kitchen sink at times.
  3. Gotta get him up to CH. Maybe a few inches up there tomorrow?
  4. OKX vs BOX? I’ve noticed BOX radar goes way more bonkers in NH versus GYX.
  5. HRRR keeps me mostly frozen tomorrow…don’t need the zr.
  6. My fever broke around 6am…heavy, heavy sweats. My arm is still sore and I have aches and a headache, but it’s nice to lose the chills. I got a better look at those prints too. They continue out to the front of the yard and look the same with the same spacing until it got 20ft from the road. I don’t think I’ll figure it out because of the crusty snow, but I’ll have to keep checking my cam loops to see what’s coming around. I snowblow a small section of my lawn for the birds and whatever it was was over there.
  7. No I didn’t see it and my outdoor cam of course missed it in between the 20s updates. You can see how far apart they are here.
  8. I just had some animal making a lot of noise crunching through the snow near the house. Can anyone ID these? Both images it was moving right to left. Those prints are pretty far apart so I assume all 4s were coming together in each print. The snow has thick crust.
  9. I try to embrace fevers unless my temp starts getting too high. With a bad flu I can push 104-105°. I had a little over 101° with Pfizer #2, but this Moderna booster has me pushing 102° and the aches are way worse. All of my joints are killing me too…I actually feel arthritic. No pain, no gain I guess.
  10. NAM is caving a bit up here for Xmas night. A nice NCEP fail is setting up.
  11. Got my moderna booster last night and now I’m in bed with a 101.4° fever and aches. Anyone else mix and match the booster from the first two doses?
  12. There’s a sfc low either way. But the op has been nuked. Many of the ens are south/drier and have warmer thermal profiles.
  13. There’s going to be record cold out west. We would’ve been above 40° in 1717 as well.
  14. Can’t get the majority of the GEFS members on board yet either. Op will probably cave.
  15. Ptype maps are mixed initially, but soundings are near an isothermal 0°C. My gut says that would be mostly snow here.
  16. It snows like 30 straight hours here…WAA to an undercutting low to a rotting inverted trough with H7 goodies.
  17. The NAM is a borderline warning event for the Lakes region.
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