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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. -SN at the CON ASOS, but it's decent growth.
  2. Brightbanding from wet flakes above the beam dropping into it?
  3. Looks like the sleet line is wasning out a bit in the northern half of the state.
  4. Only 2 Ukrainian airports are still reporting obs. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/ASOS/current.phtml?sortcol=ts&network=UA__ASOS&metar=yes&sorder=desc&format=html
  5. Now I understand his optimism. He’s only in it to get a day off.
  6. I posted in the storm thread that the gfs was way warmer down there for today than the nam…like 10° warmer at 2m.
  7. 00z gfs was mid 30s down there for today...the NAM had mid/upper 20s.
  8. Looks like UKBB has stopped reporting obs as of 330z.
  9. I was eating a big ass salad and watching the first strikes reported live. And oh yeah, some wx models.
  10. I'm following the 3 Kiev airport obs to see if they keep reporting.
  11. 2 cold fronts of yore in less than a week. Of course in yore they brought us from 30 to -10 instead of 50 to +10.
  12. Probably, but let’s let the rest of 00z roll in. My hunch is 1/3 nam and 2/3 the other model blend.
  13. That is a toasty warm nose, but most of the damage is already done north of the pike before the pingers.
  14. The latent heating from my slushy lake of yard refreezing won’t be ingested until the 12z raobs.
  15. Yeah CON won't even break a record today because of the 2017 warm wave.
  16. I probably wouldn't be using the NAM for that right now.
  17. I haven't had a chance to look at much the past few days, but that hang back 6hr QPF on the northern edge is usually a good indicator of the mid level goodies and that's been there for a couple of days.
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