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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 20.6° with a steady -SN Dusting on the vehicles
  2. I'm *a* god I'm not *the* god. It's probably a good thing there's not a lot of my pics around here for Eric to photoshop.
  3. I'm good. Occasional coughing/phlegm and general weakness, but I'm a lot more spry compared to the last 6 days. It just feels like muscle atrophy, but I'll get that back. The wife is the one struggling right now, but we'll pull her through.
  4. My freaking high was 18F today. Everyone south of me was 30s and 40s and probably had peeks of sun. Just overcast and frigid here like every other goddamn day.
  5. The last 2 weeks have been neverending darkness, neverending cold, and now neverending COVID and there's no sign of it getting any better anytime soon. If I had a ****ing groundhog right now I'd drive over a ****ing cliff with it.
  6. If I end up with overcast cirrus from that POS on Friday I’m going to tear down the board. I already lost today.
  7. Here’s Berlin for that Jan 99 storm that had freezing rain in the valleys of central PA with temps in the single digits and a transition to SN-ice-RA up here. Before the storm there was a shallow arctic airmass that bled in and NNE cleared out and radiated into the -30s and -40s. Anyway, here’s an ob from BML from that cold morning…-35°F here. BML,1999-01-14 11:52,KBML 141152Z AUTO 00000KT 6SM HZ CLR M37/ A3072 RMK AO2 SLP454 70014 T1372 11300 21372 53021 Then 35hrs later, after many inches of snow, and then sleet, and then ZR…it transitioned to all rain. 35°F and mod rain here. BML,1999-01-15 22:52,KBML 152252Z AUTO 36006KT 5SM RA BR BKN012 BKN017 OVC023 02/01 A2949 RMK AO2 PRESFR SLP005 P0007 T00170006 So it warmed up 70 degrees in 35hrs and eventually poured. Sometimes, warm air don’t care.
  8. She just tested positive so there ya go.
  9. Of course it probably goes up the Hudson River with Capt Sully before occluding and sliding ENE to EPO.
  10. Euro ptype is trying to drop very +SN here with that fetch coming up from the Bahamas, but I know that will be a tropical 34° +RA.
  11. Depressing day up here as I see widespread 30s ASH-south while it’s still 14° here. I’m ready to lose it.
  12. That low level arctic air is just about to start being advected in when it’s brushing the cape. Even if it came NW it’d probably be a race with precip getting shutoff/virga.
  13. Nah. I need to choose a new dr, but just haven’t gotten around to it going back to last fall. The free sites have been booked many days out and I’m not paying for a test when I’m just staying home quarantining anyway. The wife is on my ins and she was able to get a referral for one with her doctor so if she’s positive it’ll be enough confirmation for me.
  14. I got a call from my boss. He started feeling sick Sunday night. Monday morning he felt lousy, but tuesday he was fine. He took a test anyway on Tue afternoon and he’s positive. So we must have been passing it to each other at work. Now I’ve got the wife with coughing fits too. The cron is everywhere.
  15. -10° for Gene while coronas on MWN.
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