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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I mean it doesn’t get a lot colder up there than this since you don’t really radiate. I’m sure your area has done -20s with wind, but like Will said, normally these temps with these winds yield mid -30s on MWN which is pushing their extremes.
  2. More like cold of yore…deep knicker freezing airmasses that come in under 850mb.
  3. I mean that’s really nbd for them. It’s weird to see strong NW flow and they have the same temp as BML.
  4. It is brutal out there. -7° and gusting to 30mph. My bamboo is going to all be top killed after this. Gene is -12° and Diamond Pond -21°.
  5. Looks like it’s coming in under 4000ft.
  6. This airmass means business. Gusting over 40mph and down to 6°.
  7. GFS was BGM to BTV. I mean is anyone really going to doubt it cutting through upstate NY at this point?
  8. A lot of brightbanding with those oranges and reds, but that mix line is crashing SE on CC.
  9. Are you actually NW of Halifax? Looks like the changeover line is cutting through Bedford. You can see the LTG to the NW as well.
  10. Waste of a life the last 2 years. I just want my dews back.
  11. Who cares? It’s still a significant storm. If we didn’t have 100 pages for it in its own thread we’d have 100 pages for it in the pattern thread.
  12. This is where things get lost in translation. Who has said no snow in CT?
  13. I understand what your context is when you use that term, but let's can it from the subforum anyway. Thanks.
  14. Hey it's all good. I've been making homemade chicken soup from bone broth for 3 hours and when I saw multiple posts weenieing me about the 84hr NAM I just got a little set off. Onto the goofus.
  15. I've gone from the point of my wife taking care of me to me taking care of my wife.
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