Why not just wait and get some this spring from a nursery or box store? You can find them almost anywhere that sells trees and shrubs. They will probably have cold hardy cultivars for our region as well…probably much larger plants too.
I get shade on my driveway from the house. Also, there’s spots that melt and runoff into my run so I like to get that up. I may leave the end of the driveway by the road since it gets more sun.
Keep in mind the greens and whites started with snow depth. I don’t have an account there so I can’t view the positive change maps.
Those Swiss maps are so slow to roll out. 00z comes out after all of the other 6z runs…lol.
Up to you. If you can keep them dormant you can wait. But it's forsythia. It's like the first thing to bloom every spring. The root system isn't established yet though. Do you have a cold, dark basement or garage?