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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yeah probably. Here's the HIE daily records since the ASOS began in 7/96.
  2. -20 to -30 isn’t that big of a deal in the Coos pits. They used to pull that every winter.
  3. Coldest I saw was -34° at Estcourt Station…METAR site was 40B with -33°. SLK was at least -31°. Quite a few -30s in ME.
  4. I’m well aware. When have we ever had a 30 day period with -17F departures?
  5. -17F for the cruiser parking lot. Sounds reasonable.
  6. That was rain up here so I'm all for it. lol
  7. It's felt like deep winter up here with about a foot on the ground. The bottom 2" of pack is from the first event in mid December. The pack is fairly deep, the snow banks are high, the driveway is a slab of ice, and there's been some high end cold shots. We haven't gotten any of the warmups in CAD land either. My high for the month so far is 37F.
  8. Lots of weenies in here today. I'd love to end winter early more than anyone, but we know it's not going to happen. It's like canceling dews on 7/20.
  9. So cold I can’t even make a hand print on my hypercolor shirt.
  10. The only flag a weenie needs for the navgem...
  11. 93 was on another scale...it was like larger than synoptic. Even with the coarse resolution back then it was a can't miss, slam dunk. But remember it was different back then. We didn't have all of the pretty, hi-res maps or the clown snow maps. We just knew 5 days out that there was a big Miller A coming from FL to ME. Most of the interior NWS forecasts just threw out a blanket 1-3ft total.
  12. Only got to 0° here, but never got out of the 20s. The CAD areas up here are still in the 10s and 20s while the hills are 30s. Then you have BML at 10° and HIE at 30° which is a wild difference for those two sites.
  13. Had a fun time watching the temp fall from CON to home this afternoon. CON 44° exit 16 45° exit 17 44° exit 18 40° exit 19 30° home 26.5°
  14. Steve doesn’t really like day 7 threads. There’s just bad mojo hanging over the thread.
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