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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think some of these old perceived biases need to die. These models get so many updates and upgrades now that it’s difficult to apply biases from 15-20 yrs ago to today. I know many still believe in them, but I’d need to see some kind of research to be convinced. Just my $0.02.
  2. My wife and I just had it. For the past 2 weeks we've maintained an occasional cough. The sore throat was the worst one I ever had. It seems like everyone getting omicron is getting the nasty sore throat. I had a bad fever, night sweats, and aches for a couple of days, but my wife only had the sore throat and cough. Get rest and lots of cough drops.
  3. It is kinda cute how the weenies have said all winter that the Euro is a trash model now and the GFS now leads the way. Yet here we are tossing the goofus and going down on one knee to the ec. lol
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