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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. It must be some local genetic thing because every skunk I’ve seen here is mostly white. Probably some adaptation from all of the snow that I steal.
  2. Should be some good low level helicity tomorrow afternoon in Loudon. Let’s toss around a few cars and confederates.
  3. Threat level high for the chooks.
  4. Wild now…probably notsomuch going forward.
  5. So this happened yesterday evening. This wasn’t all of them either. I think there was 7. Is this unusual for this time of year or are they likely mama’s (bigger) babies?
  6. With that said…there’s no torch here today. 62° at 1030 with drizz.
  7. It’s pretty impressive. We keep bumping the normals up every 10 years yet we still find a way to keep these AN streaks going.
  8. I’m usually wrapping the last of my presents in this weather.
  9. It’s 65° and raining. lol
  10. Front racing for ditty may get a little boost from that outflow boundary
  11. I’ve been chilled off and on all day. You acclimate quickly.
  12. Pretty easy to find the boundary
  13. The boundary just came through.
  14. I remember you posting your dilapidated steps. If you’re taking down trees hopefully your house is stronger than the stairs or else you’ll have bigger problems than your view. lol
  15. There does seem to be a deeper llvl push going through E NH/SW ME now with convection firing NE to SW as it wedges below this airmass.
  16. I didn’t see any official 100s at the METARs sites, but congrats Pope on sneaking a raw 100° in at DAW
  17. Here’s the BOS raw 1-min data from 6/19. They slipped a 99° in there. IIRC, the official temps (5min running means) were 95° at :50, 98° at :54, and 97° at :55. So there was a spike in there starting at :48.
  18. Low 66.6°. Coolest in days. 0.44” rain yest evening. Let’s stay wet and soupy, but lose the big heat.
  19. We rainin now. Some nice CGs in these boomers, but that’s about it.
  20. @#NoPoles https://www.wmur.com/article/manchester-animal-shelter-guinea-pigs-62024/61194807
  21. CON checked out too and then came mulchgate.
  22. Sometimes you need to take risks like Reed Timmer to get that special shot.
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