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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Maybe. A few Cu and they dipped the other way. Never fully count BDL out though.
  2. 96/97 over 61 right now. I mean it's damn hot, but considering what we were looking at a few days ago this is nbd to me...especially with the lower humidity. 82/79 at ACK right now.
  3. MHT/OWD up to 94F Widespread low 90s in the urban lower els now. It feels underwhelming for noon.
  4. I can only remember Will getting 1 relative screw job since 2007 and he had a nice melt after it.
  5. You can be like PF posting all alone in the Methuen obs thread.
  6. 82F at ASH/MHT/DAW BVY/OWD/BOS 88 Feel like it's going to end up being another E MA day.
  7. 16/05 on MWN right now. Mix that DA from 825 down to 1015 and it's about 88F. Models took the edge off of the 850s a bit the past few days. Lots of 19-20C on 15z valid progs. Probably a lot of 95-98s in the hot spots.
  8. 73° at 930. A meh start but we should make up ground quickly.
  9. Nah that day was real. Hottest in our recorded history.
  10. Will took a break but it wasn’t because of you. You’re way too easy. Nice to have you back though.
  11. Down to 61°. Actually had to turn the window fan down.
  12. MAV hitting the 40° diurnal at CON tomorrow…57° to 97°. Mostly mid to upper 90s on MOS. Nothing we haven’t seen before.
  13. 1911 beats this. But those numbers also need to verify first.
  14. 82/55 Pretty much low/mid 80s over low/mid 50s up here. Nice day.
  15. Yeah I think tomorrow we mix out a bit and the next 2 days we dew it up.
  16. If it's only 95-98 tomorrow it'll be with 70+ dews. Only the NAM is like that right now. GFS, EC, HRRR keep it drier and the hot spots mix to 100-102F. Pick your poison.
  17. Chaim is like Kevin in March…unsure whether to cheer for warmth or winter, but in the end it doesn’t matter. It’s all a fail anyway.
  18. DAW hottest in the state again. Time for an ASOS visit?
  19. All real to me this time of year. The lower dews make the heat bearable and the cooler nights mean window fans over the AC.
  20. Only +1.2 at CON. The radiators were much cooler with the abundant dry days resulting in relatively lower mins...especially early in the month. Probably explains the pit at TAN too.
  21. Mostly sunny and kinda hot. Up to 84F.
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