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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Euro with the Memorial Day torch. Well into the 90s. The GFS is upper 40s. lol
  2. Euro op tells the GFS to screw off this weekend. 70s & 80s
  3. A couple of rumbles, but very meh. Only 0.11" so far.
  4. 91.5F I haven't had a temp warmer than that here since 7/1/2018.
  5. So far here this spring... 70s 4 80s 4 90s 1 Went pretty much from cold season straight to summer.
  6. We're downsloping now. 90.4/66 Warmest since last June
  7. I think those who fogged up this morning are the ones still struggling with the maritime taint. We’ll fully mix it out as the SW gradient increases ahead of the cold fropa. Pushing 80° with sun so I’m not complaining.
  8. Only 76° here so far with light winds. Kinda meh, but we need the downslope to get cranking to pull off 90+ in the backyard.
  9. Down to 60° here this morning. Had to turn the window fan down in the middle of the night. The hot stretch here is going to end up being just an afternoon.
  10. I've been wanting the white clover to flower and drop seed so I figured it was worth giving an intermediate cut before that happens. I cut it on the highest setting so at least it's thick and lush...full of grass, clover, and wild strawberry (the real wild strawberry that produces small white flowers and tiny fruit...not that look-alike weed with the yellow flowers).
  11. Looks like still some weak E flow for much of ME/NH outside of the SW NH zones until late morning tomorrow.
  12. You can see how the Euro (and other models) lost the high end heat for much of the area beginning 00z last night. Too much Atlantic taint.
  13. Also, you’ll see the SLP obs only in the hourly METAR or special obs…not the 5 min ones. So that can make it easier to pick out on Mesowest.
  14. Only the regularly scheduled hourly METARs report the temp in whole degrees F (the tenths of C conversion) in the remarks of the METARs. At FIT those are at :52 past every hour. So when you see them on Mesowest it shows up as 91.0° (raw METAR has 32.8C). The 5 min obs only report in whole degrees Celcius so when Mesowest converts the reported temp of 33C it converts to 91.4°. That’s why it appears to always be 91.4° with an hourly 91.0° over the last few hours. So when you see a long string of 91.4° like this it just means that the ob is 33C which could either be 91° (32.8C rounded) or 92° (33.3C rounded). We have to wait for the 6hr max (in tenths C) at 00z to know what the max was. Chances are FIT hit 92° with so many 33C obs in a row there.
  15. Pics? I like that sweet wooden antique boat of yours.
  16. 75° and SKC. Should push 85° imby by 4-5pm. This morning probably cost us at least 5°.
  17. It’s coming. I’m going to take advantage and plant my last 2 pawpaw trees while it’s cool and moist.
  18. We never really got the warmup here yesterday. Earlier in the week it was progged for upper 70s and I ended up with a high of 69° and it quickly fell into the 50s toward sunset. So we still had the taint of that onshore flow airmass over us to start the night.
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