Convection popping in SW NH and C MA now. Getting a finger of precip advecting into my area with some heavier showers forming on the nose. Maybe the sunshine this morning will be a benefit.
Can we get @tamarack this track in winter?
6z euro kinda fails backing the rain in from the east here, but tries to get it into N NH and then to the chickens from the north. I'll believe that when I see it.
A lot of those random foreign 18z models were further north like older runs…here through ME…GGEM, ARPEGE, UKIE, ICON, KMA
Looks like the 18z euro is pretty far NE. Similar to 12z.
I just keep watching it and laughing. I love that last sheep just turning around and lining him up for one more killshot. Honestly I think the dog orchestrated the whole thing…watches from afar and when the final deathblow comes it just turns and runs.