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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think that’s in one of my high school history notebooks.
  2. That d9 euro may be the weeniest solution I’ve ever seen here.
  3. Could be a nice little quick event here. We’ve been screwed more than Ray on the last few events.
  4. I did 2 passes push shoveling, literally lol’d, and went back in.
  5. I think it would've been 100x less physical by actually shoveling the 1".
  6. Sleet at home. Probably an inch of glop but I’m in con right now.
  7. Correlation coefficient. Those lower cc values indicate the melting/mixing layer.
  8. You'll probably get a little glaze or frozen.
  9. 32.6F? https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTTOLLA55
  10. Thankfully the noon sun will limit the accretion.
  11. Warm layer so probably some occasional wet aggregates aloft.
  12. Alternating sleet and snow, but expect mostly sleet for awhile.
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