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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. You're starting seedlings outside???
  2. Love love love these rare Feb cutters that break the cold monotony. I’ll get to see my driveway again.
  3. I had an egg today with mites on it...first of the year. How are you treating them? I loathe having to do it, but the only thing that seems to really stop them for good (for awhile at least) is permethrin. I hate powdering them myself so I have storage bins full of dirt that I use for them to dust bathe in. I add a coating of permethrin to it and mix it in and when they dust bathe they basically treat themselves.
  4. lol…the real anger will start when I’m lagging behind guidance with mixing out. Or when Gene spikes to 50° while I’m still 36°.
  5. It’ll be interesting to see how much of this glacier will remain after the Thu cutter. Those are some sultry dews for a 12hr stretch.
  6. 21.4° Occasional dim sun through the overcast
  7. Lots of 20-30:1 obs out of CT. These ligher events can really pull off the fake factor. A tenth of liquid suddenly becomes 3” of jspin.
  8. Well just keep in mind the ratios then. I’m seeing multiple high ratio obs on cocorahs. So it doesn’t necessarily need to take much liquid to get 2”.
  9. What was model QPF down there? I haven’t been following.
  10. Ugh...too close for comfort. Need a messenger shuffle south.
  11. Yeah we dipped near freezing when we lost the mixing, but any owl fart was springing it back to 40°. We still did some decent damage to the glacier overnight.
  12. Yikes. How’s the poop? Anything bright green? Have you been able to smell close to her open beek? Usually it reeks with sour crop. I’ve never dealt with it, but I buy much different feed than many people so I’m not sure if that makes a difference. I went soy free years ago because I don’t want it in my food and I think it disrupts their hormones. I’ve had no egg peritonitis issues since the switch (never say never though). I’ve gone corn free in the past year because corn has a low nutrient density. I’ve been using the soy/corn free pellets from New Country Organics. Every night I give them a cooked sweet potato once it’s cooled off. When they’re in the store cheap I’ll buy a bunch (69 to 79¢/lb). They get a lot of dried mealies too. They’re just lacking the greens this time of year so the egg yolks are looking a little pale. It’s tough when they get sick. I swear it seems I have better success leaving the sick ones alone versus treating them. I wish your girl luck.
  13. There will be for most in his viewing area.
  14. They can definitely produce creosote and need occasional cleaning. Pellet quality matters. I always burned la cretes out of Alberta. Those suckers burned really hot and clean and kept the pipe dry. A lot of the cheaper local pellets are hardwoods which don’t burn as fast, but don’t burn as hot either. I just didn’t have as much success with those.
  15. 44° here with a stiff S breeze. Local guy in Franklin was down to 32° earlier. Snow cryin for its mama.
  16. I try not to forcefeed them even though some say to do it. I try to find something they want to eat. Maybe a simple diet of mealworms for a bit would help. Does she like mealies?
  17. No panic here. Just comfortably numb.
  18. idk...you already want to end winter early when it goes to hell in Feb/Mar so you may be one of those types that likes summer heat more as you get older and your body changes. I used to think like you, but then there's a year that comes where suddenly 90F kinda feels nice and 30F feels intolerable.
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