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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I hve fully expected it here tomorrow, but with the way it’s going I may wedge today. This cloud deck is hell.
  2. Kinda noise to me at this point, but the midlevel primary lows were a little more west. Just something to keep an eye on. You can kinda get caught in a pretzel comparing runs with these this far out with timing/advection/forcing differences.
  3. People freely flying by Metfan at 100mph while he views that one.
  4. This run looked close to or maybe a little warmer than 00z to me. Be careful comparing because this run looks slower so there's a lag with the WAA when comparing the same valid times.
  5. I mean we know how these things generally go. The core of the lower level cold is H85 and that's where some of the best WAA is, but when I see H7 starting at -6C at the precip onset it gives me pause on ratios. Maybe we'll luck out with a period of better than 10:1, but I'd just hedge toward the usual SWFE ratios for now.
  6. You’re fine. You probably started your long post before he made his.
  7. Temps are pretty warm aloft. Look above H85. Euro gets -4C at H7 up to me. The longer the primary holds on the more the temps aloft will be a problem. Still days away so yeah, there will be tweaks to the evolution. And yeah, 6z GEFS did look warmer at H85 to me.
  8. I don’t want positive energy. I want reality and science here.
  9. Except we don’t usually look at the GEPS. lol
  10. Where'd you pull that ob from? Looks like BTV was augmenting some obs and was a little late to pull the SQ trigger.
  11. Also, the 5 min obs will also give you the actual vis below 1/4SM. KBTV 192330Z AUTO 31013KT 1/8SM +SN SQ BKN015 OVC048 M07/M08 A2990 RMK T10701080 MADISHF
  12. It will, but it won't be next Friday.
  13. I will. It's on its own. GGEM, EC, UK are all similar and the GEFS are quite a bit more north/warmer than the op.
  14. It was only for a few mins, but like I said earlier, I've never seen those back trees fully obscured by snow. It was close.
  15. I thought Gene may have been exaggerating a bit, but those back trees in my cam have never been 100% obscured by snow before and it got pretty close to it 5 mins ago.
  16. Very time sensitive http://www.newenglandwx.com/northfield-nh/2-backyard-cam-previous-20.htm
  17. This squall line is way more impressive than earlier
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