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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I got adventurous and decided to shovel the whole driveway and run so it could melt down to the ground. After 6hrs I think I’m going to have a major sunburn on my face. I was down to a tshirt despite temps in the low 20s. That sun gets potent between the combo of direct radiation and reflected from the high albedo. Looks good when it’s done. And oh yeah, love the pics of your little ones in the snow.
  2. 3.2”/0.09” in the core beginning at 330pm. So roughly 35:1.
  3. I'll take my next core after dinner, but it'll probably be in that 30:1 ballpark.
  4. 8.4” -SN Pure VT champagne in this top 4”.
  5. Does this slow-mo work for everyone or is it only rendering on my IOS?
  6. Big dendritic aggregates Fatty Flakes.mov
  7. Some of it may be below the beam so it appears to redevelop as it moves in. There’s still some action on CXX so I think we have a few more hours of light snow with good growth.
  8. Looks like the back edge is approaching. I haven’t had a chance to look at much though.
  9. I thought it looked like less in CON than here…at the least similar.
  10. 5.2”/0.52” Dumping large spatial dendritic aggregates right now though so sample two should have some fluff.
  11. It sounds like my wife when I ask her. "About how much?" "idk"
  12. -SN at the CON ASOS, but it's decent growth.
  13. Brightbanding from wet flakes above the beam dropping into it?
  14. Looks like the sleet line is wasning out a bit in the northern half of the state.
  15. Only 2 Ukrainian airports are still reporting obs. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/ASOS/current.phtml?sortcol=ts&network=UA__ASOS&metar=yes&sorder=desc&format=html
  16. Now I understand his optimism. He’s only in it to get a day off.
  17. I posted in the storm thread that the gfs was way warmer down there for today than the nam…like 10° warmer at 2m.
  18. 00z gfs was mid 30s down there for today...the NAM had mid/upper 20s.
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