As you know the "desert" airmasses giveth and taketh. Cooler nights and warmer days. In the end the means are what they are and then the humidity levels and amount of sun are the punctuation marks on the perceived sensibility. Creep up that humidity and we lose the cool nights, but it also takes more "work" to reach those higher temps.
But yeah, we're finally choking off that supply of cP air in QB at our latitude. Looks like the CAR region is still far enough north for glancing shots and that always leaves us with the potential to sneak in some near sfc backdoors (not necessarily temp but also humidity drops) cutting in underneath the upper level ridge.
So it's a regime change from our perspective, but I think it's more of a seasonal progression of the same pattern with everything trending a bit north...or at least the ridge waxing and the QB trough waning.