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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Down to 55° Don’t need AC during the day either when it’s 50s at night. I’ll deal with the extremes like my ancestors had to.
  2. GFS/EC have the dews out of here quickly. More 85/51 for the weekend.
  3. 65/62…cooling quickly. Time to turn the ac off.
  4. Looks like a gator could come out of that water hazard.
  5. Guess where most of the action was this afternoon.
  6. A few nice downpours today. 0.59” on the day.
  7. That's probably an extreme example, but I believe some progs had it modeled. Here's the 00z 3k NAM from the night before. Low 70s dews in SNE during the morning and then mixing out into the 60s and pockets of <= 60F in E MA from BYV to BOS where the hottest temps were achieved. We often get that early to mid morning dewpoint bump as the dew evaporates off into the low levels and then come afternoon the deeper mixing allows the drier air back down to the surface. In the evening the surface cools and reaches saturation rapidly so you get the dew formation (countryside) before 2m fully drops to the overnight mins. (I know you know this...just throwing it out to the non-mets) Here's the number of days per year at CON with 70F+ dewpoints at each hour. There's a clear late morning bump, mid afternoon "min", and then the late evening spike around sunset. Then it continues to radiate, reach saturation, and the T/Td make that slow drop together until sunrise. Obviously places like BOS or ORH don't radiate well so they tend to stay mixed 24hrs.
  8. BOS dews by air temp for met summer. The U50s/L60s dews are at the bottom percentile range for 95-100 temps. Looks like 68ish is around average.
  9. Beer? It's July. There's abundant evapotranspiration. We're not pulling 95/45. 95/60 is hot, but nbd compared to some other heat events we've had the last decade where we're 97/75 in the afternoon. Sat and Sun mornings I radiated down into the low to mid 60s. Then you get a little dew bump mid morning as all of that dew evaporates and then the dry air mixes back down once again. DAW was 97(*)/60 at noon yesterday. BOS was 100/57. That's how we always used to run big heat here until the last decade when mid 90s over mid 70s became more common.
  10. Yeah...that's what I meant by the SE. I know it's still been hot with that run of 100s at EWR, but the dews haven't been that bad and the heat hasn't been super exotic...yet. EWR doesn't have a lot of trouble hitting 100F anymore although almost a week straight of it is still impressive.
  11. Whopping 0.01" overnight, but at least it cooled it down before midnight.
  12. It's been liking it for awhile and they haven't come to fruition yet. I expect some good heat up there in the LR, but I'm tossing all of those absurd numbers right now. They didn't happen in the SE, they didn't happen in the midwest, and they're probably not happening in Minny...not to that extent anyway. We'll see.
  13. Not at the current site. They did at the old site downtown on 7/4/1911 (102F).
  14. On maxes BOS put up a +18 today, ORH +11, and BDL +10. There was definitely some extra heat squeezed out toward the coast in E MA.
  15. BOS 100R MHT 98R PVD 98R CON 96 BDL 96TR ORH 91
  16. Like I said…I haven’t been following it enough to know if it’s been trending more away from other nearby sites. But when this is your topography around the ASOS anything goes.
  17. 100/57 Not a bad way to run a hundo. 18:25 100.4 57.2 71.4 24 19.6 27.6 SSW 29.86 29.88 Mostly Clear 10.00
  18. I don’t think anyone was questioning 100s today so I don’t even understand the debate.
  19. Sorry 109°. I was thinking 109° was the official record there with the +1° 1 min ob.
  20. EWR stands out many times (110° in 2011 was ridic), but their obs tend to have validity due to their “terrain”. It is what it is. People live in the paved forest so it’s representative to a lot of people.
  21. I don’t think they’ve done a very good job maintaining MADIS in the last couple of years either. No proof on that, but I see a lot of analysis errors when I check my site.
  22. Central Park has had issues for awhile. The ASOS has totally changed the climate record there.
  23. I always look for stepwise changes and not necessarily the actual error magnitude.
  24. Some of that is going to be the EWR concrete jungle influence giving them higher readings versus surrounding towns with more vegetation. MADIS will almost always think they’re too high. I haven’t followed them enough to get a feel if they’re running higher than normal though. Put up a bunch of U90s in a row down there and EWR will be 100+ on most of those days.
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