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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Anyway. Was rain when I left home and now that I look at cam I see we have some kind of frozen precip accumulation at 33°.
  2. Les just kills it on bass in that 94 woodstock vid I posted. I can’t move my hand that fast even swatting mosquitoes.
  3. lolwut? Expect worse than 29° over the next couple weeks.
  4. It hasn’t ended. lol sucks to get a soaker when the yard is finally starting to dry out. We’ll be right back to the mud in a couple days.
  5. Looks like my norovirus symptoms since 4am today. Get through the next few weeks and let’s flip the script to when we can actually pull a string of 70s.
  6. Probably 98. 08 was bad here but I had a lot of sleet and some snow. I’m sure there was even more frozen up your way. Maybe you held the CAD much better in 98 than torchville HIE.
  7. I drove through Franc Notch during the middle of it and it was mostly wet on the trees from there through Littleton. I assume his area warmed enough to minimize icing as well. Plymouth to the mtns was a mess.
  8. Looks like a big shift in temps at DXR beginning last Mar/Apr.
  9. My 4” and 8”’ sensors were flatlined at 32° until yesterday.
  10. Those spikes are relatively slow release anyway, right?
  11. This was this evening before I let the birds out to free range. I dread walking through this every time.
  12. I’m in a somewhat flat portion, about 3 properties long, halfway up my hill. So all of the runoff from up the hill and thawed groundwater just pools up here. I’m on the north side of the hill as well so the surface is more parallel to the sun angle than a southerly facing slope. My ground is still frozen in spots despite full sun until about 4pm. It’s just tough dealing with the water here when the ground is frozen and the plants are asleep.
  13. Unfortunately this was my backyard yesterday. Today isn’t a lot better. This is why we cheer for Stein during mud season.
  14. We can fart 60° with west flow and 850s near 0C. Yeah, maybe over a week before the chance again, but 50° and sun isn’t horrible. Thursday looks wretched though.
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