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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. There's no way your avg is that late.
  2. You've had a ton this summer. You're fine.
  3. Meanwhile NNE has had sun for like a week straight. lol
  4. 0.22" going back to Tue night. Stein is alive regionally up here, but my little microclimate is okay.
  5. I thought I asked you weeks ago in a thread what you wanted. What do you want it changed to?
  6. Leading off all of these games to get extra ABs to break the record, yet Boone can't let Severino go another 2 IP for a no-no.
  7. Yeah, no. That’s averaged precip rate over the previous 6hrs with current thicknesses.
  8. It was much colder here yesterday morning than this morning.
  9. Another beautiful day though. Loving the sun.
  10. I started the pellet stove for the first time last night too.
  11. Min of 33.1F here. Nice lake breeze at LCI to keep it torchy there.
  12. CON down to 31 so far. Still 34 here although I’m seeing some frost outside.
  13. You need a frost before you have indian summer.
  14. Worried about spring moisture in October.
  15. Getting some leaf drop here already. Seems like many of the leaves changing don’t want to hang onto the tree for very long.
  16. Had patchy frost here last week, but no freeze. MAV is 31 at CON the next 2 nights and the MET is a chilly 29 and 26. So I’ll probably be bringing in the avocado trees tonight.
  17. I know we’ve had Steffi for at least one winter.
  18. Nice sunny afternoon for some fall cleanup.
  19. Only 2 more hours until you metamorphosize!
  20. 34.7° CON 32° congrats. No frost warning down here either despite multiple 30-32° readings.
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