We’ll probably end up AN on the month considering the start and, well, that’s what we do. But Dec snow is usually backloaded anyway and with potential for the interior I wouldn’t lean BN at all with that.
That was Chris so I will defer to him.
It’s just always a mess up here on that first glazer when there’s been no treatment to the roads since the prior season…even with just a few tenths.
It was a thin overcast when I woke up at 4am with mid 20s. With precip moving in I knew it was going to be a problem. It’s black Friday and a ton of people are going out. They need to be more on top of this.
It’s a mess. 106 and 104 closed in spots too. Dozens off the road and on their roofs.
Salt the fucking roads. We do this every year with the first glazing event.
29° and -ZR.
If anyone is heading up here this morning be careful. The vehicles are glazed up already. I’m not sure if they’ve treated the roads this morning or if there’s any residual salt left from the snow a week or so back.