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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I’ll take the over on that 22° for CON. The 5/18 record is 25°, the latest 22° is 5/11/1900, and it has also never been colder than 24° past that 5/11 date.
  2. Smells like an ash tray out here this evening. The sun has been orange-red for hours
  3. So I have an eastern phoebe brooding under the roof of my chicken run. I went up to check the eggs a bit ago and noticed a speckled egg mixed in that belongs to a brown headed cowbird. What’s the protocol on that? Should I remove the egg so that the phoebes have a better chance at survival or let nature be?
  4. Oh that was my point. Less shortwave heating during the day, but not much longwave effect at night.
  5. In cases where it’s thinner…doesn’t it affect shortwave rad more than longwave?
  6. Anyone else noticing a lot of smoke in the air this evening?
  7. I just let the clover flower for a few days and then mow it. But yeah, I like what backedge is doing. Have a section dedicated to the pollinators full of native plants and flowers that you leave untouched.
  8. turning these bands of showers into a few sprinkles at the surface.
  9. I wonder if he has started taking his melatonin again to get through the night.
  10. GWD Mostly sunny until just before 2pm and now I don't need to water the plants tonight like does.
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