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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Would be nice, but probably not. I don’t think they saw much of a dent after 2/2016 and we’ve seen those temps they have in the last 5 years yet a lot of those invasive bugs have still been creeping up to NNE. Those parrots in CT may be screwed though.
  2. Noticeably lighter winds in the last half hour. Spitting some flakes again. -14.5
  3. The cold in NNE tonight is on another level. Nothing tolerable about it.
  4. 3rd straight -43C ob for MWN. I feel like they're close to bottoming out. They probably have until about 6z until they start going back the other way.
  5. -43C again on the official instrumentation so they missed the -47°F target.
  6. I’ve honestly seen flakes squeezed out of the atmosphere by the Winni River down here in town on a rad cooling -20° morning.
  7. He’s simmering right now, but if they get down around -15/-16 tonight he may start to boil.
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