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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Like I said to pickles yesterday, I'm always wary about modeled NAO region blocks in the LR. But it doesn't really matter much for my area. It can snow a variety of ways...just get some systems. I'm fine with the PAC driving the bus.
  2. I didn't get above 10F for like a week I think.
  3. 348hr eps control 2m temp anomaly image I remember when I used to care what he had to say.
  4. The GFS. Pumping out shit since 2002
  5. Pretty sure that’s a 900 number.
  6. I've honestly been out of the loop with the LR for awhile...been busy with some other things. I just check in to get an idea of what's going on from the big dawgs in here. I've been peeking more myself the past few days though and it does look good, but I don't have much to add beyond what others have said. I don't usually invest too much emotionally in LR progs since they can change quite a bit come verification time. These epic d15 -NAO blocks have been fool's gold it seems during winter so I usually keep my guard up with anything in the N ATL. Basically I don't stress too much about the extended beyond d5-7. I like to roll with whatever comes and just fan the stressful flames from weenies time to time. Get the favorable pattern into that 120-144 window and I'll start paying more attention to the chances.
  7. It’s all fantasy, but too much Atlantic perineum.
  8. Good place to start. We can always go higher.
  9. Over a week above freezing in December would be pretty sweet.
  10. I think I've seen NCEP use 0.6 as the "useful" cutoff.
  11. Looks like Stein has hit the color palette to his graphic.
  12. Hopefully the weenies were less invested in FTX than the upcoming pattern.
  13. Broke out of the wedgie for about 5 mins here and hit 49°. Back to the low 40s now.
  14. 39° and rain here while everyone else is tropical. ‘Tis the season.
  15. I think he closed his eyes after that first sip like a Folgers commercial and just started picturing lush, green mountains before he posted.
  16. We’ll probably end up AN on the month considering the start and, well, that’s what we do. But Dec snow is usually backloaded anyway and with potential for the interior I wouldn’t lean BN at all with that.
  17. Did you try the new honduras especial this morning?
  18. Hopefully it's not an Isaiah Wynn block.
  19. Yeah....probably 3 weeks until we can do it again
  20. Had a decent streamer go through at home in the last hour...whitened everything back up until the sun came back out.
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