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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Got the 24hr valid 00z tomorrow? i.e. removing the first 6hrs
  2. Yeah probably about 6”. I love that blue spruce…large and alone so it’s really full. It looks awesome with a deep pasting. And yeah, we need to get those echoes up here. We should over the next few hours.
  3. +SN again with a band just to my east. Must be a lot of drift to the west under the beam. 32.6°
  4. Brightbanding…but yeah it’s still been heavy nonetheless.
  5. 5.1” here with 0.40” w.e. I think we’re getting downsloped because these echoes aren’t producing more than -SN. That NE wind is strong for our standards. Hopefully it picks up later. 32.5° -SN
  6. Back home and ramping back up a bit. 32.2° and pushing moderate.
  7. 32.0° at home. Looks like a light rain snow mix at CON. 33° at the airport.
  8. Really large crystal growth in these higher reflectivities. 30.2° +SN
  9. Turning into a shitshow already. They salted between 18-19 big time and then south of there just said F it. 35mph slog into CON.
  10. I’m getting a little pessimistic for up here. Yeah we’ll get some snow, but I’m starting to feel one of those 33-34° deals where we’re melting 25% of what falls as it accumulates. Hopefully we tick a little cooler at 00z. I don’t want to move 6” of glop.
  11. 35° with a light rain shower while I locked up the birds.
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