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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Feb 11th and there’s like no ice anywhere right now. Those ensemble temps are not promising either.
  2. The Winni ice fishing derby is in deeper doo doo than Steve’s yard this season.
  3. Nice CONUS torch on the EPS post-storm just in time for the climo coldest time of the year too.
  4. Hey I salute you. There’s too much volatility and chaos for me to get into the seasonal forecasting, but I respect those who try. That’s how we further the science on everything.
  5. I mean we’ve had months up here where the temp never gets above freezing or only for like a day and it’s usually one of those pre-WINDEX setups. We’re only supposed to pull off 50° dews in the cuttiest of the cutters. No problemo lately though.
  6. I mean sure…the longer you go the more of the season you’re punting. You start turning into last year’s Dolphins…can still have a nice finish, but the season as a whole winds up disappointing. There’s a lot of time to go though…just hope we get a nice wintry stretch to enjoy.
  7. Nah. Some of the ill-natured trolling I’m going to start cracking down on.
  8. At least we can maybe get some dews. It’s been awhile since they touched 50°…like a week or 2?
  9. 1.4” around 1 when I got home. Saw very little OTG right up to exit 19. Had to get some elevation to see anything beyond a 1/2” on the ground or snow sticking in the trees.
  10. 32.3 and snowing still at home. Looks like 1-2”. But I can tell on cam there’s some melting in the trees.
  11. I’ve noticed the past couple of days the H85-92 cold advection in N ME getting less “push” and figured it may translate toward the tuck our way. We really rely on that ageostrophic wetbulbing in these setup to succeed. Instead it’s mostly been stale sfc air all day with everyone in the lower els 32-34.
  12. Euro has consistently had the best solutions for up here. Ukie is a little bit more south with the best goods.
  13. In Waterbury VT that is called a flake
  14. GFS looks a bit like the 18z euro for Friday...nice little snower for S/C NH
  15. I would've predicted Go West first, but this is a worthy selection.
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