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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I haven’t seen the rivers and streams this high in awhile.
  2. A bunch of different phyllostachys ones…parvifolia, aureosulcata ‘spectabilis’, atrovaginata, nuda, and nigra ‘henon’. I had a pygmy bamboo and a US native river cane as well. I’ve pulled all of them out now except for the spectabilis and parvifolia and I’m going to replace them with hardier, less aggressive clumping fargesia bamboos. I have a rufa now, but I’m going to add murilae and nitida soon.
  3. As I research more maybe it is sheep sorrel. I was hoping it was nitrogen fixing. Guess I’ll have to smother it out.
  4. Anyone know what this weed is? It’s very leafy and pulls out easily, but it gets dense. It doesn’t seem to like competition as it thrives mostly where I weed around my pawpaw trees. It seems to really like fertile soil. it almost looks like sorrel, but it’s not quite a match in my eyes. I thought sorrel grew in poor soil too.
  5. You guys weren't installed yet?
  6. Another mank day. Up to 44.6F
  7. Maybe we can get a 2009 repeat.
  8. April is overall trash 90-95% of the time. Seasons in seasons.
  9. Not sure how much "yore" is in that June 1895 day, but that is pretty impressive for summer near peak solar...even with clouds, fog, and/or rain.
  10. That was early April. It’s raked up and at least greener than Ireland right now.
  11. Did I miss something? Why are we talking about thunderstorms at a place that sees 100 of them per year?
  12. Sure, but they’re all under the soil. Any beetle they can get they’ll eat too. But the moles and grubs are slowly killing parts of the yard.
  13. 0.59” so far today. 3.05” total.
  14. Absolute deluge. It can stop raining now.
  15. I like when I look back at old COOP forms from the early/mid 1900s and see "aurora" in the notes. You know damn well they were seeing it with the naked eye back then.
  16. That scares me off. Not messing with that with my chickens and all of the bugs and worms they eat. I have a ton of japanese beetles. I want something that just tackles them.
  17. Pretty sure it would’ve washed down to the river today. Soil temps are in the upper 40s so I wasn’t sure if there was a preferred temp to get them started. I need it to get soaked in before my chickens free range too. Guess I’ll have to research it a bit. It seems like an easier option versus nematodes.
  18. 2.31” and counting. The backyard is underwater.
  19. You can always count on tblizz and lava to get antsy when they see everyone to their west getting drenched and they’re the last to get it.
  20. A tweet from 4/21. I mean wtf.
  21. I get my weather from Stein tweets
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