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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Have you guys tried those nut gathering tools like the garden weasel? I’m tempted to get one for the acorns. https://www.amazon.com/Weasel-95404-Gatherer-Magnolia-Resistant/dp/B08C23397X/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=acorn%2Bpicker%2Bupper&qid=1695425042&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 Reviews are a bit mixed
  2. I’m trolling a little bit, but the euro keeps slicing and dicing QPF north of the pike.
  3. 50-60% chance for above So 40-50% chance for near normal or below. But snowfall here is more dependent on precip than temp anyway.
  4. Nah I got it. I'm not sure why they never had foliage spotters down there.
  5. I never said it sucks up here. We’ll see how it’s looking in another week after some lows in the low 40s.
  6. It’s 9/19 lol. Right on pace with other years.
  7. https://www.courant.com/2003/10/06/cloudy-chance-of-frogs/
  8. Hopefully we get another Halloweenie this year.
  9. Yeah I’m not aware of much out there. Cocorahs does have ice accretion reports, but it’s difficult to navigate the obs and there aren’t that many. It may be in its infancy stage…not sure. https://www.cocorahs.org/Content.aspx?page=ice-accretion-pilot Of course the ASOS accretion obs aren’t a direct caliper measurement, but rather a remote sensing estimate.
  10. If you wake up or commute in that 5-630am window it sucks adjusting.
  11. I think Bill wanted BOB all along but he was under contract with Bama and I don’t think Bill wanted to pry him away from Saban. I think he trusted Matty P enough and thought he could be serviceable, but obviously it was a disaster. I’m sure Mac is frustrating to work with too though given his guaranteed 3-5 dumb decisions per game.
  12. Yeah I wasn’t reading into it that much. I just liked the fronto look up here while Methuen has a meltdown. lol
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