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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. You know the winter is down the shitter for most when every monthly disco thread turns into SNE snowstorm memories.
  2. I like the all or nothing look for up here.
  3. Hadn’t checked yet, but could see it on cam. Just went to hanny and dunks and it’s a mess out there. Pounding sleet with huge parachutes mixed in. Mostly ZL now.
  4. Are these 1-2F discrepancies usually instrumentation error or siting issues? (ie CON years ago with the dark mulch)
  5. Looks like PSM wasn't climbing high enough for the Pope today so he broke through the fence and burned the equipment to the ground. No obs since 16z.
  6. Sure. And I agree with you that as modeled it's pretty dynamic and obviously I agree that it can snow down there and be a nice 45F day up here.
  7. Weenie me all you want, but good luck with those amounts with those temps and 10:1 assumptions down there.
  8. It's another world down there in the tropics of SE NH. You make me feel like I'm in Coos sometimes.
  9. Not really. It's like this almost every year...even in 07-08 when we had 2ft going into April.
  10. Goes to show how important deep pack is. My 4" depth is 33F and 8" depth 34F.
  11. He’ll be back in time for growing season
  12. My criteria is a blend of my old winter weenie ways and what’s good for my birds and plants. So basically not too cold, a decent pack to insulate the ground, and then maybe a 2 week stretch of deeper winter with a good storm in there. So you can check all of those boxes off. I would probably have preferred a little less QPF this winter, but you can’t have it all. I don’t like the big cold anymore, but I used to weenie out over it so if it’s going to be brutal at least make the airmass record breaking. So another check mark there. Yeah it has sucked a bit south of here, but I’ve seriously been enjoying it up here. The snow banks are still really damn high as of this morning. It’s a deep winter look.
  13. I’d have to rate this winter an A+ so far. 2 11”+ events, a deep pack the past couple of weeks, a warm and snowy January, and a brief record cold airmass to start Feb.
  14. 21° here and 34° for Gene. This should mix out quickly this morning.
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