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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. My heat would have to kick on to reach 82 at night
  2. Seemed like it was getting better this morning (day 3) but this afternoon my entire lower leg and ankle is swollen below a sting on my left calf. It almost looks like compartment syndrome. I’m tempted to go in, but waiting it out a little longer.
  3. I'm not aware of any. They did have numerous 3kt obs overnight so maybe it was slightly more mixed? 3kt isn't a hell of a lot though...especially at an airport. Sometimes that's just drainage flow too. CEF did have dews in the low 40s while BDL was upper 40s. I'm not sure how "real" that is or if it even mattered, but maybe that's an explanation. Aside from that, I haven't followed BDL and CEF enough to really get a feel for the rad cooling trends between the two. I guess it's something to keep an eye on in the coming months. What would you have expected at BDL given the 47.5F at CEF?
  4. Is that AI's interpretation of Kevin? Looks like a match from the eyebrows upward.
  5. A lot of those stations have short periods of record, missing years, or are threaded with COOP data from a previous site. I don't think there were any records for the long term climo sites.
  6. Yup. But we’re getting to that time of the year where I start wedging so I’m not wild about the ridge not retrograding more.
  7. Pretty much 3F above you across the board. Max 80.5F (88.6F 6th | 67.3F 2nd) Min 62.4F (51.8F 30th | 69.7F 16th) Mean 71.4F (78.0F 7th | 62.1F 30th) Precip: 8.71" (2.36" 16th)
  8. We had a skunk that lived here for a couple of years and it dug up every underground nest it could find. We found it dead on the side of the road last fall. I’m tempted tp make a request for a trapped one on the local FB page.
  9. ngl…after this cool shot I’ll be anxiously awaiting the dews to return. We have a whole 8 months of dews in the 40s to look forward to…no need to rush summer away for them now.
  10. Probably delayed but not denied, but it's been getting pushed back.
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