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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 39.9° and gloom The shitshow continues
  2. 32.2° -RA The birches are bent again.
  3. I’m more than done with winter, but always before winter is done with me.
  4. It’s pounding. That’s always fun. I’ll be even more excited if it’s gone by morning and we hit 60°
  5. Euro gives me an hour of it before fropa. lol
  6. I’ll take 60 and broken over 43 and mist.
  7. Why? I’m not a denier. I probably care as much as she does…just in an indirect way. I just don’t worry about the number. We could have the same temps as 200 years ago and I’d still want to see changes to clean up the planet.
  8. not really. I like weather…not climate. I don’t care about snowball earth, the jurassic period, or little ice age. But it’s a shame how much we’re trashing all facets of the planet. I’m always in favor of cleaning it up and letting the climate change in its own natural way.
  9. A little nippy out there today considering full sun.
  10. The Norse in Greenland in 1023 find our March temps relatable.
  11. Kinda weird to see the gfs the most wedged for Saturday. This seems a little overly pessimistic at the sfc.
  12. it has me at 44°. My actual 4” and 8” soil temps are 33°.
  13. I’d love a super nino. Let’s get a super nina too in my lifetime.
  14. I think it got changed to Aug 1 - July 31 (although this may depend on the location) Edit...GYX is still using 7/1-6/30 for CON...not that it matters in our region outside of MWN some years anyway
  15. cold fropas are back to being our nicest days up here.
  16. That map is seasonal total. 12" sounds about right down there?
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