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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. OWD is the first to 32C. Probably only 89F so far though.
  2. 80.1F F the 70s. We skip right to summer now.
  3. Gonna push 50F at LEB...38F to 83F so far.
  4. 40.9° Could be a 40° diurnal when all is said and done.
  5. I saw that. Almost like banner clouds downstream off of the Matterhorn.
  6. 64.5F, breezy, and some cirrus Overall a really nice day. Just wish the shit streak cirrus would go away or dissipate.
  7. Min 22.8°. May hit 20s again tomorrow morning. Hopefully that’s it for the deep cold.
  8. Cool obs out of FMH. The temp dropped from 40F at 17z and 18z to 35F at 19z. Totality went through ACK around 1845z. It recovered back to 37F at 20z. FMH,1970-03-07 17:00,METAR KFMH 071700Z 25008KT 9SM CLR 05/M05 A//// RMK SLPNO T00461048 FMH,1970-03-07 18:00,METAR KFMH 071800Z 25010KT 9SM CLR 05/M05 A//// RMK SLP120 T00461053 FMH,1970-03-07 19:00,METAR KFMH 071900Z 23007KT 9SM CLR 02/M07 A//// RMK SLPNO T00191070 FMH,1970-03-07 20:00,METAR KFMH 072000Z 24012KT 9SM CLR 03/M05 A//// RMK SLPNO T00301048
  9. Upper 40s and sun. I’ll take this over yesterday.
  10. Max of 59F at DAW today. Hats off to those who tanned topless.
  11. Not wiped enough for my liking
  12. Pushing 70F above 1kft in Cheshire co.
  13. Sun breaking through in CON. LFG
  14. Agree to a point...especially SNE. But it's always been a race between mixing out at the sfc and the cold fropa up here so any lag in mixing out hurts us.
  15. I don't see any of the low shit eroding yet on vis...even in SNE.
  16. Had a little glaze overnight. The top of my hill was still iced up when I went through this morning (~800ft). 33° now
  17. It’ll be my warmest day even after it mixes out post cold frontal passage.
  18. Euro was too aggressive with the heat up here the other day too.
  19. It's brief...looks almost more like we mix out with the cold fropa. Lots of TS in NNE into QB today.
  20. Up to 40°. Not looking good for ZR (which is good)
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